
Are reverse mortgages in Toronto good?

By April 1, 2018 No Comments

When people ask are reverse mortgages in Toronto good?, We answer and tell them these are an excellent way for retirees to accomplish their financial goals. However, there’s another reason why this product has become very popular in recent years. Consider these recent statistics.

Recent research shows that half of Canadians age 50 years and up worry that they won’t have enough money to live properly and comfortably in their retirement. That said,  we’ve taken the time to put together some of the advantages of one of these financial products for seniors.

Are Reverse Mortgages in Toronto Good?

Of course, the answer is a resounding yes. This is the product that allows seniors who own their homes to borrow up to 50% of the value. It’s a great way to get peace of mind if you’re worried about your retirement and having the funds to live comfortably.

One of the big advantages is the flexibility. With a reverse mortgage, there’s no need to make any of the regular mortgage payments you need to meet with a more traditional loan. If your senior who has started a part-time business or has a sporadic income, this is very good news.


Qualifying is also much easier with this type of financial product. With reverse mortgages, you don’t need to have any income proof to qualify. This streamlines the process and makes it much easier for people who are already struggling with retirement income.

There are no restrictions on how you spend the money. This is one of the factors that make this product superior to some other financial options. It’s especially useful for seniors who might find an unexpected need for some extra money. That can be a medical emergency or unexpected situation where someone in their family needs funds.


The money that you get from a reverse mortgage is also tax-free. It’s important for seniors to understand this advantage because many of them are on a fixed income.

Getting a reverse mortgage is usually a very good idea. It’s important that anyone who is considering getting one do their due diligence first. They will want to be sure the people they are dealing with are credible and have customer testimonials and verifiable credentials.

Understanding these products means taking the time to have a trusted guide do some research with you. It’s important to understand how the interest rates are different with these reverse mortgage products. Putting all the information together will help you decide are reverse mortgages good for you?